
Travel Visa Inequality

The visualization explores how equal citizen of different countries are treated in terms of traveling.

Where can Germans travel to?

Germans can go to many countries without any Visa, but need visas for parts of Africa and Asia.

Who is allowed to travel to Germany?

This is quite different. Many countries that have different visa policies.

Let's highlight the differences between traveling from and to Germany

Blue shows the advantages and red the disadvantages for Germans.

Let's Explore

Click on a country to compare it with the others.
Travel Visa Inequality


Travel Visa Inequality


Travel Visa Inequality

This project is a personal project by Christian Laesser. A vacation in Thailand made me curious about how equal travel visas are distributed between different countries. My intention of this project was to raise awareness for existing inequalities between different countries knowing that this problem is only one example of inequality around the globe.


The visualization shows the difference between visa travel policies of 194 countries based on Wikipedia data. The difference or inequality gets calculated by comparing the travel policy of citizen A going to country B and the travel policy of citizen B going to country A. In my case: I'm allowed to go to Thailand without having a visa, but somebody from Thailand needs a visa to visit Germany.


Category: Visa requirements by nationality and linked Wikipedia articles. Scraped on October 19, 2017. You can download the data: country-visas.csv and visa-categories.csv.


The data was scraped from the Wikipedia list. I got as a result 83 different visa travel policies for 194 countries. I generalized and ordered the 65 categories into the following 6: 'Visa not required', 'Visa On arrival', 'ETA required', 'eVisa required', 'Visa required' to 'Admission refused'. The exact differences between the resulted categories are hard to quantify. I tried to solve that challenge by reducing the comparison to colors and terms like less and more advantages/ disadvantages.


Visa From

Travel visa policies for a citizen of the selected country going abroad.

Visa To

Travel visa policies for a foreigner entering a selected country.

Travel Visa Inequality

Shows the difference between the travel visa policies of ‘Visa From’ and ‘Visa To’.

Travel Visa Inequality Score

The score takes the distribution of advantages minus the disadvantages to show overall inequality. It counts purely advantages against disadvantages, without regarding scale of advantages/disadvantage to simplify the comparing. The score is inspired by the Net Promoter Score.

Thanks to ...

Andreas Brietzke for is honest and helpful feedback. Jim Vallandingham for his "So You Want to Build A Scroller" tutorial.





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